Annotation Type PathParameter

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface PathParameter
    Marks a parameter of a Method those value forms a path of a request URI.

    Required types:

    • primitive
    • primitive wrappers
    • String
    • Any object whose string representation may be read as a part of an URI path value correctly. See Object.toString()
    • Arrays of types described above
    • Iterable of described above
    • Maps of keys and values of types described above
    • A POJO whose class has fields of following types: primitive types, primitive wrappers, String, any type of an object whose string representation may be read as a part of an URI path value correctly, see Object.toString(), arrays and iterables of listed types. Class of a POJO should extend MappedObject

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      String name  
    • Element Detail

      • name

        String name
        name of a path variable
      • required

        boolean required
        is parameter required or not. Default value is true. It allows or doesn't allow null values of a parameter on a method invocation.
      • explode

        boolean explode
        to explode parameter value or not. Default value is false. This has an effect when parameter value has type Map or type of some POJO.
      • style

        PathStyles style
        style of a path variable. Default is PathStyles.SIMPLE