Class ReceivedListCaptor

    • Constructor Detail

      • ReceivedListCaptor

        public ReceivedListCaptor()
    • Method Detail

      • getCaptured

        public Object getCaptured​(Object toBeCaptured)
        Description copied from class: Captor
        This method is supposed to be used to convert an object to a value that can be logged and reported. When it is not possible then it should return null.
        Specified by:
        getCaptured in class Captor<Object,​StringBuilder>
        toBeCaptured - is an object to get value that is supposed to be captured and logged.
        a value to be captured and logged or null
      • getData

        public StringBuilder getData​(Object caught)
        Description copied from class: Captor
        Gets/transforms data from a caught object to inject into log/report.
        Specified by:
        getData in class StringCaptor<Object>
        caught - is a caught object to get data for the injecting.
        S produced data to be injected to a log/report