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import curryN from '../curryN';
 * `memoizeWith` is a memoize function fabric. It has simple classic memoization signature.
 * Use it to build your own memoization function.
 * It takes  three params:
 * 1) function that will be used to create cache object.
 * Cache must have three methods - get, has, set. So it's compatible with Map, WeakMap, LRU (https://www.npmjs.com/package/lru-cache) instances.
 * 2) function that will be used to create hash key for cache lookup. It is invoked with arguments for result function.
 * 3) function, that will be memoized.
 * *
 * @param {Function} createCache - creates cache object
 * @param {Function} hasher - creates hash for given arguments
 * @param {Function} function that will be memoized
 * @return {Function}
 * @example
 *      const createCache = () => new Map();
 *      const hasher = (...args) => JSON.stringify(args);
 *      const memoize = memoizeWith(createCache, hasher);
 *      const add = (a,b) => a + b;
 *      const memoizeAdd = memoize(add);
 *      const sum = add(1,3); // from original add call
 *      const sum = add(1,4); // from original add call
 *      const sum = add(1,3); // from cache
export default curryN(3, (getCache, hasher, fn) => {
    const cache = getCache();
    return (...args) => {
        const cacheKey = hasher(...args);
        if (cache.has(cacheKey)) {
            return cache.get(cacheKey);
        const fnCallResult = fn(...args);
        cache.set(cacheKey, fnCallResult);
        return fnCallResult;