Interface MultipleObjectPropertySupplier<R,​T extends Supplier<R>>

  • Type Parameters:
    R - is a type of of a value of resulted list.
    T - is a type of a Supplier implementor.
    All Superinterfaces:
    Consumer<Class<? extends T>[]>, PropertySupplier<List<R>,​Class<? extends T>[]>, Supplier<List<R>>

    public interface MultipleObjectPropertySupplier<R,​T extends Supplier<R>>
    extends PropertySupplier<List<R>,​Class<? extends T>[]>
    This interface is designed to read properties and return lists of instances. Each instance is created by by invocation of Supplier.get(). Resulted list of objects is used as value of the property. The correct format of the property value is a comma-separated string that consists of fully qualified names of classes of Supplier.


    Implementor of Supplier should have default constructor or it may have not any declared constructor.