Class SequentialGetValueSupplier<T>

    • Method Detail

      • ofThe

        public static <T,​R extends org.openqa.selenium.SearchContext & HasValue<T>> SequentialGetValueSupplier<T> ofThe​(SearchSupplier<R> from)
        Builds a function which takes a value from some element and returns the value.
        Type Parameters:
        T - is the type of a value to be returned
        R - is the type of an element which has value
        from - is how to find the element which has value
        the function which takes a value from some element and returns the value.
      • ofThe

        public static <T,​R extends org.openqa.selenium.SearchContext & HasValue<T>> SequentialGetValueSupplier<T> ofThe​(R from)
        Builds a function which takes a value from some element and returns the value.
        Type Parameters:
        T - is the type of a value to be returned
        R - is the type of an element which has value
        from - is the element which has value
        the function which takes a value from some element and returns the value.